Friday, April 4, 2014

couch mode print story

What is the difference between hard work and smart work?


Sireesha said:   

Sir, I think smart work comes after the hard work if you work hard then you will get experience and after getting experience you can do that work in a smart manner. So I think smart work is a part of hard work or we can say behind every smart work, hard work is there. By doing hard work we got some ideas to implement the same work in a smart way that leads to smart work.

Shikha said:   

According to me hard work involve lot of efforts and smart work is something which requires little efforts with intelligence. For eg: if you have 10 chairs kept in a room and you have to empty the room then you can do it in two ways, either you can take 1 chair at a time out of the room, so you need to do this work in 10 steps- this is hard work or you can take 2 chairs at a time by keeping then one over the other, so you can complete the work in 5 steps, this is smart work.

Work will be completed in both the situation but time duration also matters.

Kalam said:   

Hard work is more or less same work that we do to get the task done weather it takes lot of resources and time.

Whereas smart work is utilizing the ability to do the task with minimum amount of stress and proper utilization of resource and time.

Moreover after doing the smart work using minimum amount of resources you should work hard to get the things done in quick manner so both are equally important in my thought.

Priya said:

If you don't know how to implement any logic.

Then there are two ways.

1. Do all research and R&D by your self (Hard work).

2. Use your and others experience for designing solution (Smart work).

Fajuludeen said: 

A smarter worker is the one who does thing smartly. That means he knows people from whom he can get work done and will delegate to them. He is more like a merchant who is out to make a sale. He believes in delegation of work while keeping minimal amount of work with him. He believes in coordination and managing things.

A harder worker on the other hand puts long hours every day, probably doing the same thing again and again. A hard worker is like an artist who meticulously works on creating and fine tuning his art. He does not delegate and would like to do the work for himself.

Ricky said: 

Hard work means to proceed through the work with dedication but without having a clear idea about how to achieve the goal.

On the other hand smart work means having a crystal clear idea about what is to be achieved and how to achieve. From there, chalking out a plan and proceed through the work with dedication.

Tell me something about yourself.
Why should I hire you?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Why do you want to work at our company?

What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?

What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

How do you feel about working nights and weekends?

Can you work under pressure?

Are you willing to relocate or travel?

What are your goals?

What motivates you to do good job?

What makes you angry?

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Describe your ideal company, location and job.

Would you lie for the company?

Who has inspired you in your life and why?

What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?

Tell me something about our company.

How much salary do you expect?

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.

Do you have any questions for me?
