Friday, April 4, 2014

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Women Empowerment - A Cause for Increasing Divorce Rate in India

Women Empowerment - A Cause for Increasing Divorce Rate in India

Deepu Dalal said:

I think women empowerment is not wrong thing. Our country is a democracy country each and everyone have equally rights whatever he or she. Today women participates in every field i.e. sports, social work, politics, defence, finance etc. They show there capability, skill to develop the country. Some women take the advantages of there right & misuse the empowerment. Divorce comes by the misunderstanding bewteen men and women. Some people think that women are only for housewife this is the wrong thong.

Nikita said:   

Women empowerment leads to divorces in least cases. Mostly women make a family happy. Without them a family can not run systematically. She is the one who understands everyone's needs and does her best to fulfill them. In most cases men are the ones who are responsible for divorces. They tend to misunderstand every aspect of a awoman's behaviour and take it in a different way.

It rarely happens that a woman turns out to be a whamp and wants to destroy the family.

Victor said:   

Gentlemen the main cause of divorse in our society is definately not the women empowerment. Yes in some cases we can take because women empowerment brought financial independence for women in our society as well as ego problems to husband and wife both and that ego is leading to divorce. But the main reasons behind the divorce are as under ;

1. women empowerment changed the equations of our society and brought misunderstanding between couples and lack of interaction because of lack of time multiplied it. and finnaly misnderstanding concluding to divorce.

2. nuclear family fashion is also a root cause as earlier if hus and wife were having some problem there were enough oldies to solve that but no one now a days.

3. western life style and lack of moral and values and sense of responsibilities leading towards.

4. passion for glamours and high profile life style.

5. social evils like dowry.

Abhishek Chaudhary said:  


According to me, there is no relation between women's empowerment and divorce cases as,

WOMAN EMPOWERMENT means providing women equal rights in the society as of men, providing woman to move hand to hand with man, it means that the women of the nation be given equal respect and equal rights when it comes to their financial development, Job Security etc.


DIVORCE take place due to the lack of mutual understanding between husband and wife. The man always has domineering nature and the main problem is with egoism, when a woman start earning equal or sometimes more than a husband and start taking some decisions by her own, it hurts man egoism an he feel jealous of it. And at the same time woman think after doing all the household works and contributing financially, why she should be humiliated on the contrary she must get respect for that. But when man unable to feel her feelings it results into the lacking of fruit fullness in their relations and they decide for DIVORCE, bloody divorce".

Santhoshi said:

In my view, I don't think that women empowerment cause to divorce because now-a-days most of the women are working, only some of them are taking divorce. The main reason is that the old people (parents of men or women) are living in orphanage so that, if any misunderstanding is done between men and women they can't be stopped.

The person who is working, think that "after coming to home, there should be a person to take care of them". But in these days both wife and husband are going to office. So, there is no time to understand and share feelings of each other.

Certainly there will be ego to the women when she is working because she thinks that she is also earning money, but this attitude comes to the women after seeing the authority of the men in home.

So, women empowerment doesn't cause in increase of divorce rate in India.

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