Friday, April 4, 2014

couch mode print story

Privatization of Higher Education

Privatization of Higher Education group discussion gd

Suman said: 

Privatization is nothing but making our India back because not only rich people but also lower class and middle class families also have intelligent children and they want to study further in good institutions but financial problems create much stress upon them and students get a lot of stress and sometimes it make them so desperate that they think to commit suicide thus who loose the talent, our community, our country.

So I think students must given a chance to prove them.

Amit Bansal said:  

Privatization of Higher Education in India.

It is definitely one of the crucial topics from yesteryear. The need for privatization finds its way in effective skill development by providing vehicles of several resources. It helps a student to compete in future and perform well. It provides a great deal of amenities in the field of education with demarcated activities. The goal of one gets out of public incarceration through privatization.

The main repercussion we will be able to see is the development of social and cultural perspectives through diversification of the scope of the mind. Private institutions definitely gonna generate a better individual with a firm ambition. Depending upon public sector alone will not grow our country. Role of private functionaries is must for a large democracy.

How to achieve:
In an organization, when there is need to settle for another place, one has to settle with its environment. Going from secondary level in public school to higher level in private college requires a change of mind. Private schools are already made mandated to hire 25% of poor people in their institutions under the well known Right to Education Act. On higher level, several institutions are getting nodes from the education ministry. The government of India should make specific number of institutions to work effectively in the different states.

Vinod Anand said:

I think yes it should & why not. When one can invest to buy a car. When one can take loan to build house then why can't one borrow to get educated after all it will be an income generating asset. Privatization doesn't only mean high fee structure and raising standards of living it also means quality education. In fact we should open the windows and look outside the box we've been living in.

Avinash Rudrakar said:

Hi. Friends this is Avinash Rudrakar: privatization of higher education is good for some areas and also bad. By privatization no doubt the education system quality improves in our country, it helps in growing the nation in faster time but analyzing our Indian economic condition for all public its not easy and no possible to pay the high amount of fees for collages.

The privatization is best way if:.
* the government gives 50% seats to poor students.
* the collage gives some free seats to distinction students.
* the govt. Provides seats as well as more fund to minor students and backward students.
* the collage gives free seats to all students and take the over all fund by govt.

Susmita Dey said:

I think privatisation is not totally harmful. True they are very costly and everyone cannot afford it but in this competitive world people have to have standardized education which the government has far not been able to fulfill to the full extent. So I suggest government and private institutes should come together so that the question of discrimination and affordability should not arise.

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