Sunday, April 6, 2014

couch mode print story

Advertising is a Waste of Resources

Advertising is a Waste of Resources

Vinod Siwach said:  

Advertising is communication process to reach the people of every locality and it is helpful for the company but the advertisement should not be done with the celebrity because the product price increase and effect the people of middle as well as lower classes. The common man advertise the product if the quality is good ultimately it demand increase.

Ahsan said:  

Advertising always shows a positive result for a company/organization. It creates an awareness of the existence of the company/organization and consequently more and more people tries to join them which results in a better future of both!

Shruti Gupta said:

According to me advertising is not wastage of money. The main reason behind doing the advertisement is to aware the society about the current market and scenario. What has been change at a particular period of time can be known only through advertisement. For example if any of the disease is being spread in particular locality will be known by the people only through advertisement. Ambhitabh Bacchan has make the aware about the importance about the polio for 0-3 years baby only through advertisement. So it is not a wastage of money.

Bhumika said:    

Good to see so many points from different peoples but then to I will add that ADVERTISEMENT is not a waste, but we all know that excess of anything is bad, by which one can get irritate and get a bad reviews of a product. Advertising is a back bone of launching any product in this generation but much more matters in which mode advertising is going with.

Last not least want to add one more points that advertisement can't hide the quality, yes for a time being but not permanently so the product should always be of good quality.

Shamshad Ah said:  

Hello sir,

Not at all, advertising is promotional tools for each and every companies so because of that they can promote their product into the market and gets benefits out of them. There are some prohibited advertising there and that is not good for consumers. Finally advertising is not waste at all. If any any company wants to promote their product they can easily and consumer will come to know that what are different product available in market and they buys it. In advertisement includes TV, newspaper etc and now a days people utilizes their more time on TV and newspaper so they gets benefits from them and ultimate it goes to companies who invest on advertisement for their products. So at the end advertising is not waste.

Bablu said: 

Hi friends according to me advertisement is not waste of resource because in this competitive world if you are not going to present your product in fabulous way people can't leave the product that they are using already, but it is also a good point that if your product not much effective as you show in advertisement it will completely far from the user after one use then here advertisement is waste of resource. So I want to conclude that if a person really want to stay in market longer time win the heart of customer they must have product that is effective as compare to other so advertisement is not waste of resource is dominating.



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